The Full Moon in Aries – Towards Constructive Selfishness (September 29, 2023)

The celestial agenda is set on the Full Moon in Aries on September 29 (02:57 am PDT). We are shifting our focus towards constructive selfishness. The desires of our self are ignited by this Full Moon, prompting us to express our being outwardly. The Full Moon in Aries reminds us that it’s time to bring these desires into action.

The ruler of the Full Moon, Mars, is in Libra, emphasizing the quest for balance. This highlights the importance of relationships and balance. Additionally, Mars conjoins the South Node, indicating the role of past relationships and experiences during this period. To better understand the signs of this Full Moon, we can ask ourselves these questions:

  • What are the strong desires arising within me with the synchronicity of the Full Moon in Aries, and which direction do they lead me?
  • What can I do to better understand and express my inner self?
  • During this period, what steps can I take to externalize these inner desires, and how can I balance them?
  • In the period of the Full Moon in Aries, how can I maintain a balance not only in expressing my inner self but also in my relationships?
  • How can I better understand the influence of past relationships on my current self and desires?
  • How does the Full Moon in Aries offer an opportunity to better understand my values and utilize them in both my personal goals and relationships?
  • In the Aries-Libra axis with the presence of the lunar nodes, what insights does this Full Moon offer to unravel important knots in my relationships and establish balance?

Let’s remember that this Full Moon is part of a year and a half development process. This process commenced in late April 2023, gained momentum during the summer, and now reaches a turning point in the fall. The grand finale will be in early 2025.

Note: Headache is the trademark of Aries full moons and can be experienced intensely throughout the week. The prescription for this week is ample exercise and staying active.

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