Eclipse Graduation: Marking the End of a Two-Year Epoch

Anja Millen
artwork: Anja Millen

In the world of fashion, we witness the unveiling of themes for upcoming seasons, and whether or not we actively follow fashion, its influence is inescapable. It’s like a silent force that accompanies us everywhere we go, whether it’s the people we encounter or the stores we visit. Fashion’s impact is evident in our lives, even when we aren’t intentionally seeking it.

I find a parallel between this phenomenon and the zodiac signs. Just as we look to the runways for the latest trends, we’ve also gazed at the stars, turning them into symbols, weaving their stories, and creating narratives that connect our own experiences to these celestial tales. All of this is done with the hope that these celestial stories might guide generations to come. After all, what defines us as humans is our unique ability to communicate and generate ideas. It’s as if we’ve synchronized with a rhythm that progresses in harmony.

The zodiac signs, much like fashion shows, have their own way of revealing the themes of specific seasons. When we delve into the essence of time, two significant players emerge – Saturn and the Lunar Nodes. It was in the autumn of 2021 when we initiated a profound process of resolution, centered around the Taurus/Scorpio axis in the Lunar Nodes. The climax of this transformative journey occurred in the autumn of 2022 and the spring of 2023.

As the name suggests, nodes are the points where issues tend to get tangled. Yet, when left unresolved or postponed, they seem to become even more complex. This is a shared human experience, one that affects us all.

This particular period was no walk in the park; we faced substantial challenges and were put to the test. The Taurus/Scorpio axis isn’t known for its charm; it carries traits of seriousness, stability, resilience to change, and the often-painful process of transformation. But beyond these challenges, we find rock-solid strength. The past two years have truly been something, haven’t they? And let’s not forget, Saturn was in Aquarius until March, adding an extra layer of complexity due to its connection to the Lunar Nodes. Every one of us felt the weight of these tests, as Saturn in Aquarius, being a fixed sign, equated the challenges for us all.

There’s a rooftop I often observe from my window, where crows frequently gather. I watch them, sometimes. It’s a reminder that battles and struggles for survival are a universal part of life, just like it is for all living beings. There’s a constant state of vigilance. Yet, the crows seem to embody a sense of freedom, as their lives are simple. We don’t imagine a crow to be sad, do we? That’s because, like us humans, they don’t grapple with the psychological complexities, crises, and problems that we do. Sometimes, I can’t help but envy them, and I’m not exaggerating.

Is it finally time for us to openly acknowledge that being human is a profoundly challenging experience? In essence, isn’t the instinctual purpose the same for all living beings? It revolves around the security and comfort of our five senses. It’s about savoring life in an environment where everything perceived through these senses creates a sense of safety and assurance. However, for us humans, it’s undeniably more complex. We carry the unresolved issues of past generations, including animosities and wars we’ve never personally experienced, which can trigger new seeds of hatred. These issues are handed down through generations, creating a chain reaction of influence. This is the essence of destiny, which is why we refer to the nodes as ‘karmic.’ They are issues inherited from the past, beyond our control.

So, let’s take a moment to congratulate ourselves, as the past two years were exceptionally challenging. With the Scorpio axis and the eclipses, our knots resurfaced and were triggered. We were tasked with untangling and transforming these knots, and moving towards the simplicity and productivity symbolized by Taurus in order to find balance amidst these crises. We did our best. The potent eclipse we recently experienced on October 28th served as the grand graduation party for this arduous process.

The symbolism of opposing signs beautifully complements one another. Taurus and Scorpio, two sides of the same coin, share the common goal of continuity. It’s about maintaining self-control and unwavering strength. However, for us humans, transformation comes first. Without it, we risk encountering strange and unanticipated forms of sabotage.

In the midst of the Scorpio season, it seems that each one of us reacquainted ourselves with our inner demons. There’s no need for further elaboration. If we succeeded in transforming and simplifying what we had to, then that’s an achievement to be celebrated. Congratulations to us all.

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