The Meaning of the Solar Eclipse in Aries: Revealing Our Personal Existence

On April 20, 2023, there was a significant eclipse in Aries, and its effects will be felt for several years to come. In fact, this eclipse can be seen as a turning point in our quest to bravely put ourselves out there and pursue our desires. By listening to the ignition of the flame within us triggered by this eclipse, we can better understand how doors are opening in our lives.

Let’s think about it: since the beginning of spring 2023, what impulsive, selfish desires have emerged within us, and how do we want to express ourselves freely? How have these desires begun to take shape around April 20th? By reflecting on these questions, we can more easily obtain the keys to our own life struggles.

The reflections of this eclipse in Aries will spread over a few years. In fact, we are changing the topics we focus on, and this is just the beginning. We have been simplifying our lives since the fall of 2021. We have learned to turn the dark and crisis-ridden processes of the past into production, and to create value for ourselves from the resources we keep deep within ourselves. Now, as we approach the end of this process with this eclipse, we are opening a new door.

Photo by <a href="">Nicolas I.</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

The upcoming learning process includes fearlessly expressing our own existence. We will learn to do this not only with selfish desires but also by understanding that sometimes it is necessary to be selfish, and that it is not always a bad thing. Being selfish can be necessary and good at times; we can express ourselves and feel satisfied by doing so. However, as with everything, balance is important when it comes to selfishness. This experience will last for about two years.

Changes in authority and family relationships may also occur with this eclipse in the Aries sign because in order to be the hero of our own lives, we often have to sacrifice certain things. If toxic ties are hindering us from expressing our own will, this eclipse may give us the courage to break free from them. Therefore, we will witness interesting separations and new beginnings during this process, which have already started to trigger.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

So how does the main timeline of this process progress? Although we will start taking more action with the summer of 2023, the main turning points are triggered in the fall and beyond. We will experience the most intense periods of this change process from the spring of 2024 onwards. Doesn’t this time seem long? We probably don’t think that a change in expressing our own free will will happen quickly, do we? 🙂

Also, we’ve been talking a lot about the Age of Aquarius in recent years, and this eclipse is one of its turning points. How does it relate, you may ask? Well, this eclipse makes a challenging angle with Pluto, which has just moved into the Aquarius sign. Therefore, we can think of it as facing difficulties through some conflicts in our journey of individualization.

Photo by <a href="">Ian Schneider</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Where are we heading? According to the synchronicity of symbols, we are moving towards the Aries symbolism, which is to become the hero of our own lives. Now, we need to take a little break here because it is important to know that the symbolism of the signs should not be thought of independently of people. So, you may know Aries people who do not behave like heroes and are overly attached to their comfort, but this is related to their own will; it is a separate issue of personal failure, and it does not apply to the symbolism or the general population.

The pure symbolism of the signs is told in the language of the sky; the symbolism of the Aries sign is to fearlessly express oneself as the hero of one’s own life.

After the eclipse in Aries on April 20, the individual emphasis of the Age of Aquarius is unfolding with the courage and initiative energy of Aries.

Let’s all take our fair share wisely, please.

Bring it on!

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