Pisces Full Moon and Ego: Embarking on a Journey to Inner Wholeness (August 30, 2023)

Carl G. Jung utilized the terms “Self” and “Ego” to comprehend human psychology. The Ego expresses the aspects of our daily lives that we are consciously aware of and can be thought of as an inner voice in a way.

This voice guides us in matters such as who we are and what we like or dislike. However, this voice is merely the visible tip of the iceberg. According to Jung, the “Ego” is a limited reflection of our true self.

In reality, beneath all of our mental and emotional experiences lies a “Self” deep within us. This “Self” encompasses our conscious mind and boundless unconscious mind. Exploring the concept of “Self” is crucial for a better understanding of our true essence, as it symbolizes the infinite potential contained within our lives.

Joseph Campbell, drawing from Jung’s ideas, explains the concept of “Self” while analyzing the hero’s journey. Campbell asserts that the hero’s journey is about radical self-acceptance and the profound acceptance of life’s dynamics. He states, “If you say ‘no’ to any detail of your life, you’ve unraveled the whole thing. You must say ‘yes’ to the entirety, even to its ending. This is known as ‘joyful participation in the sorrows of the world.'”

Campbell suggests that the central question posed by mythology is whether we dare to embark on this journey. Do we possess the courage to say ‘Yes!’ to our own adventure? To the darkest corners within us? To our own personal hell? To both the boundless joys and the infinite pains of life?

According to Joseph Campbell, stories themselves are both guides and invitations. Heroes are symbols of the fully realized “Self,” and they inspire in us the desire to embark on our own journeys. However, what often stands in the way of this journey is the ego, which feeds our fears.

While the “Self” represents the true center of our being, the ego has the potential to be a powerful force that separates us from this unity. Despite being designed to guide our decision-making processes, the ego can, unfortunately, become controlling and perfectionistic, exerting its dominion over us. Especially in today’s era of the internet and social media, the ego can become domineering, diverting our attention towards external validations and superficial achievements, thereby distancing us from our inner wholeness.

The Pisces zodiac sign symbolizes the desire to transcend ego limitations and delve into the depths of the self. This Pisces Full Moon, intensified by the Saturn conjunction, occurs in a time when the influence of time is strongly felt. This full moon in Pisces calls us to look deeply into our unity and the infinite flow of life beyond the boundaries set by the ego.

The more ingrained our habits of control and perfectionism are, the greater our resistance to surrendering to the natural flow of life. However, beyond the ego’s confines lies a vast and potential-rich existence. The symbolism of the Pisces Full Moon reminds us of this potential beyond our limitations and encourages us to trust in the flow of life. It signifies an opportunity to rediscover our inner wholeness.

In summary, the symbolism of this full moon urges us to explore our “Self” by transcending the boundaries set by the ego. It invites us, through the perspectives of Jung and Campbell, to embark on an inner journey of self-discovery. The Pisces Full Moon reminds us to transcend ego-centered thought patterns and turn towards our inner unity. The quest to discover our own wholeness is both a personal and universal journey. The Pisces Full Moon can serve as a catalyst for taking a step on this journey.

Remember, astrology can be a guiding tool, but ultimately, the choices we make and our will shape the direction of our lives. As we shape our future, listening to our intuitions and considering these transitions as opportunities is crucial for advancing on our path of personal growth.

Embrace the journey.

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